Best Way To Clean Dog Eye Boogers You Need to Know

Have you ever noticed those crusty boogers in your fur baby's eyes? Many dogs, especially those with prominent eyes, are prone to eye discharge, also known as "eye boogers". There are various types and causes of this common condition but it's essential to know how to clean your dog's eyes safely to avoid any potential complications. In this post, we'll be discussing how to remove those pesky dog eye boogers in a way that is gentle on your pooch's eyes.

Types of Dog Eye Boogers

Close-up of a dog's eye with eye boogers

There are three main types of eye discharge that dogs can experience:

  • Clear or watery: This type of discharge is typically normal and occurs as a result of tear production. It's often seen in small amounts in the corner of your dog's eye as tear stains.
  • Mucoid or mucus-like: This type of eye booger appears as a thick, sticky discharge and could be a sign of conjunctivitis or other eye infections.
  • Pus-like: If the eye discharge is yellow-green or contains blood, it could indicate an underlying infection, and you should see a vet immediately.

Cleaning Your Dog's Eyes

Close-up of a dog's eye with eye boogers and a human cleaning it

Cleaning your dog's eyes can be a daunting task, especially if your dog is not used to this type of grooming. Here's how to do it safely and effectively:

  1. To soften the boogers: Use a warm damp cloth, and gently hold it against your dog's eye for about 10-15 seconds. This will help soften any crusty boogers and make them easier to remove.
  2. To remove the boogers: Use the same warm damp cloth to gently wipe the crusty boogies away from your dog’s eyes. Be careful not to push too hard or irritate your dog's eyes. This process might take a few tries, but your dog will appreciate having those pesky buggers out of their eyes.
  3. To prevent future buildup: To prevent future buildup, consider cleaning your dog's eyes regularly using a damp cloth, and inspecting their eyes for any signs of irritation or infection. Always check their eyes and don't forget to reward your dog with a treat when they behave well.

Cautions and Tips

When cleaning your dog's eyes, there are a few things to keep in mind, including:

  • Always use a clean and damp cloth to avoid spreading germs or bacteria
  • Avoid harsh chemicals, such as soap, around your dog’s eyes which can cause irritation.
  • If your dog's eye discharge persists or your dog seems uncomfortable, take them to the vet for an eye exam.
  • Be patient and gentle when cleaning your dog's eyes as your pet may be nervous or apprehensive about the process.

In conclusion, eye discharge is a common condition in dogs, but it's essential to know how to clean dog eye boogers without causing any harm or discomfort to your furry companion. Always be gentle when cleaning your dog's eyes, and if you notice any signs of infection or excessive eye discharge, don't hesitate to contact your veterinarian for advice. A little care and attention go a long way in ensuring your pooch's eye health and preventing any potential eye infections from developing.

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